Grafana vs Kibana

October 21, 2021

Grafana vs Kibana

If you are looking for a data visualization and analysis tool, you have probably come across two prominent names in the industry: Grafana and Kibana. Both platforms are widely used by developers, system administrators, and data analysts, making it challenging to choose between the two. In this blog post, we'll provide you with an unbiased comparison between Grafana and Kibana to help you make a better decision.

What is Grafana?

Grafana is an open-source platform used for data visualization and analysis. It offers a wide range of data connectors, making it possible to collect, analyze, and visualize data from different sources. Grafana has a powerful query language, which allows users to create complex queries and transform data in real-time. It also offers alerting capabilities, making it easier to detect and respond to anomalous behavior.

What is Kibana?

Kibana is another open-source platform used for data visualization and analysis. Developed by Elastic, the company behind Elasticsearch, Kibana offers a vast array of visualization options, including bar charts, histograms, and maps. It also has a powerful search and filtering capability, making it possible to identify patterns and trends in data.


To help you understand the differences between Grafana and Kibana, let's compare them in the following categories:

Data Sources

Both platforms support a wide range of data sources, including Elasticsearch, Prometheus, InfluxDB, and more. However, Grafana offers more plugins than Kibana, giving users the flexibility to connect to different data sources easily. Grafana also provides a native plugin development framework, making it possible to create custom data connectors.

Query Language

Grafana's query language, called Grafana Query Language (GQL), is more powerful than Kibana's query language, Kibana Query Language (KQL). GQL comes with several built-in functions and allows users to create complex queries easily. Additionally, GQL integrates with different data sources, enabling users to query multiple data sources at once.


Both platforms offer a wide range of visualization options, including bar charts, pie charts, and line graphs. However, Kibana offers more advanced visualization options, such as heat maps and tag clouds. Kibana also has a more intuitive user interface, making it easier to configure visualizations and dashboards.


Grafana offers alerting capabilities, making it possible to trigger notifications based on specific conditions. While Kibana does not offer native alerting, it integrates with third-party tools such as X-Pack, making it possible to set up alerts and notifications.


Both Grafana and Kibana offer powerful tools for data visualization and analysis. However, Grafana is the better choice for users who need a more flexible query language and a wider range of data connectors. Kibana, on the other hand, is ideal for users who need more advanced visualization options and an intuitive user interface.

In conclusion, the choice between Grafana and Kibana depends on your specific needs and preferences. We hope this comparison has helped you make a better decision.


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